Conditional Sentences

Hi everyone!

Siapa nih yang pernah denger tentang “conditional sentence”? Conditional sentence dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah kalimat pengandaian. Nah, conditional sentence ini terdiri dari 3 tipe yang penggunaannya juga berbeda-beda loh! Yuk kita sama-sama belajar mengenai Conditional Sentences!


Conditional Sentence Type 1

Pada tipe 1, suatu tindakan dalam main clause akan terjadi bila syarat dalam if clause terpenuhi.

If Clause: simple present tense (S + V1)

Main Clause: simple future tense (S + will + V1)


If I have a lot of money, I will buy a new car.

You will get a good score if you study hard.

Selain itu, kata will dalam main clause dapat diganti dengan modal auxiliaries lainnya, seperti may, can, must, dan should


If the weather is bad, the flight may be cancelled.

If you want to be able to speak English well, you must practice regularly.


Conditional Sentence Type 2

Kalimat pada tipe 2 digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu tindakan atau keadaan yang berlawanan dengan kenyataan pada saat ini.

If Clause: simple past tense (S + V2)

Main Clause: past future tense (S + would + V2)


If you studied hard, you would pass the exam.

(Real fact: You don’t study hard)

If I had a lot of money, I would lend you some.

(Real fact: I don’t have much money)

Selain itu, kata would juga dapat diganti dengan could atau might


You might be successful if you tried harder.

If I had some information, I could let you know.


Conditional Sentence Type 3

Kalimat pada tipe ini digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu syarat yang tidak mungkin lagi dipenuhi karena waktunya telah berlalu. Artinya, kenyataan bertentangan dengan keadaan di masa lampau.

If Clause: past perfect tense (S + had + V3)

Main Clause: past perfect future (S + would have + V3)


If I had studied hard, I would have passed the exam.

(Real fact: I didn’t study hard, so I didn’t pass the exam)

I would have come to your house if the weather had been fine.

(Real fact: I didn’t come to your house because the weather wasn’t fine)

Selain itu, would have juga bisa diganti dengan could have atau might have


If they had found him earlier, they could have saved his life.

I might have been able to help you if I hadn’t had much work.


Sampai sini paham? Jangan lupa untuk latihan dengan menggunakan kalimat ini supaya lebih paham ya!

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